Reading at Alvaston Infant & Nursery School
This is our reading offer to ALL children. This is what they deserve.
Reading is an important ‘life-skill’, which should be nurtured and developed whilst promoting enjoyment. Please continue to read frequently with your child at home, even if we are unable to send paper copies of books home. The Oxford Owl online reading scheme has a wide range of books for anybody to access, free of charge. Books are available for all reading stages. Please communicate with your child’s class teacher, via Dojo, if you are unsure of your child’s reading stage.
Phonics Lesson Part One
Phonics Lesson Part Two
Phonics & Reading Session
At school, we read with the children everyday. It can be the introduction to learning or simply a story on the carpet before home-time. Take a look below at some great reading resources and listen to the staff reading their favourites in our very own STORY CORNER.
Reading Action Words with Miss Piercy
We LOVE Reading!
Phonics Workshop
Reading Approach
Reading Progression

Reading Resources
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More than 7000 titles to choose from.
One Image.
One Teaching Resource.
Fantastic stories and animations with supporting activities and resources.
Images and activities to support reading comprehension.