We aim to support the school fully and build upon the positive outcomes from last year. We are also focusing upon key areas that were identified in the Ofsted report and monitor these areas closely. (‘P’ indicates Parent Governor).
To contact our governors please email the Clerk to Governors, Kathy Day at clerk@alvastoni.derby.sch.uk
Mr Julian Bland (P)
Chair of Governors
Miss Allen
Head Teacher
Mrs Bonshor
Co-Vice Chair &
Co-opted Governor
Miss Higham
Co-Vice Chair &
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Day
Clerk to Governors
Mr Heesom
Staff Governor
Mr Trehan
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Robinson
LA Governor
Rev. Whitney
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Simpson
Observant Governor
Mrs Darby
Observant Governor
Mrs Doherty
Observant Governor
Mrs Cox
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Gillingham
Parent Governor
Mrs Roden
Parent Governor
Miss Dosanjh
Parent Governor
Governors’ Statement
It is an aim of our school’s Governing Body to improve communication and links between Governors, staff, parents and children. From the feedback on the Parent questionnaires, we are aware that many of you are unsure of the role Governor’s play in the school and because of this we have outlined the main role we play to the right.
Governors’ Meetings
We hold half-termly Full Governing Body Meetings during which we get a good insight into the progress of the school as well as a detailed breakdown of how the school budget is being spent. We spend a lot of time looking at School Improvement and have feedback from a range of staff which helps us to monitor the different subject areas.
Our Constitution
Our constitution is made up of:
7 x Co-opted governors
1 x Ex-offico, Headteacher
1 x Local Authority governor
4 x Parent governors
1 x Staff governor
What is the role of a Governor?
Governors are a group of volunteers who include parents, staff and members of our local community. Our main role is to promote ongoing improvements in standards throughout the school. We help the Headteacher and staff plan the school’s long-term direction and we evaluate progress. We help set the school’s aims and values and are responsible for staff appointments.
Many of our responsibilities carry a statutory requirement. This means we are obliged by law to do things such as agree the annual budget.
Our role is sometimes described as a ‘critical friend’. This does not mean that we are there to criticise the Headteacher or the school. Instead, we try to ask useful questions to gain a greater understanding of the school and to foster an ethos of continuous improvement.
The Governing Body has the responsibility to:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing body are the strategic leaders of the school. The Head Teacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school but school governors work with the Head to set the school’s aims and policies. There are also other important duties the Governors and Head carry out including:
Deciding how many staff to employ
Setting targets for pupil achievement
Managing the school’s finances
Making sure the curriculum is varied and balanced
Hearing appeals and grievances
Monitoring pupils’ behaviour and discipline
Visit and get to know the school and the people in it.
Work in partnership with the Head teacher to raise standards.
Help to decide the priorities for improving the school.
Support the aims of the school.
Many more…..
The full Governing Body meets once per term. In addition there are two main committees that deal with issues in more detail, namely Finance & General Purpose (F&GP) and Strategic Development Committee (SDC). These committees also meet once a term and report back to the FGB.
School governors have a vital role to play in making sure all children at our school receive the highest standard of education possible and are able to achieve their full potential. They MUST HAVE:
an interest in all the children’s futures
a desire to make a difference
a willingness to accept responsibility
an ability to work in a team and is happy to ask questions, listen and learn