Our Staff
Our staff work together to provide the children with the high quality and consistent teaching. We are a team, who support one another and our community. If you have any problems please contact your Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant, a member of the Administrative Team or anyone on our Senior Leadership Team. We are all here to help and will direct you to the most appropriate person to deal with your issue or enquiry. If you are dissatisfied with any outcome please contact the Headteacher directly: head@alvastoni.derby.sch.uk
Senior Leadership and Administrative Team
Mrs Peach
Mr Heesom
Deputy Head
Mrs Darby
Assistant Head & SENDCO
Mrs Doherty
Assistant Head
Mrs Simpson
School Business Manager
GDPR and Health and Safety
Mrs Day
Finance Administrator
Clerk to Governors
Miss Adams
Nursery Team
Mrs Doherty
Nursery Lead
Mr Morley
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bullimore
Teaching Assistant
Woodlands Nursery Team
Miss Varley
Mrs Goodman
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bröer
Teaching Assistant
Ms Saunders
Teaching Assistant
Class One Team
Mrs Carnall
Mrs Darby
Teacher & SENDCO
Mrs Nanua
Teaching Assistant
Class Two Team
Miss Hames
Reception Lead Teacher
Miss Morgan
Teaching Assistant
Miss Appleby
Class Three Team
Mrs Terzoni
Teaching Assistant
Ms Saunders
Teaching Assistant
Class Four Team
Miss Leeming
Miss Allsopp
Teaching Assistant
Class Five Team
Miss Eckett
Year 1 Lead
Mrs Brindley
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Timson
Teaching Assistant
Miss Jeffers
Teaching Assistant
Class Six Team
Miss Piercy
Mrs Smedley
Mrs Ray
Teaching Assistant
Class Seven Team
Miss Holness
Mrs Farthing
Teaching Assistant
Class Eight Team
Miss Knapton
Mrs Dhinsa
Teaching Assistant
Class Nine Team
Mr Heesom
Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs Bown
Teaching Assistant
Wider Support Team
Mrs Freebury
Mrs Goodman
Teaching Assistant
Talk and Sort Champion
Miss Edwards
Reading Champion
Mrs Meakin
Cover Supervisor and Phonics Champion
Mrs Ainsworth
Forest School Teacher
Lindsay Pilkington
Graphic Designer
Mrs Hussain
SEND Support
Mrs Mosedale
SEND Support
Mrs Burke
SEND Support
Miss McCready
SEND Support
Mrs Faulkner
SEND Specialist
Miss Ireland
SEND Support
Mrs Rowles
Attendance Hero
Ian Robinson
Mr Lindau
ICT Technician
Mr Norridge
Mrs Hadfield
Mrs Smith
Midday Supervisor
Wraparound Care Team
Mrs Goodman - Breakfast Club Lead
Mrs Bown - After School Club Lead
Mrs Terzoni
Mrs Mosedale
Miss Jeffers
Miss McCready