Welcome to Alvaston Infant and Nursery School, a place where diversity is celebrated and everyone is included.
We are dedicated to providing a fantastic provision for all students. All pupils learn at different rates and in different ways. All our classes are of mixed ability, and teachers provide work that is suitably differentiated to match the ability of each child. This is achieved though the effective deployment of a wide range of staff, resources and materials. We strive to ensure all our children are happy, safe and secure, so that they are given the greatest opportunity to achieve their potential and become ‘the best they can be’. I look forward to working with you to support your family and ensure your child has a wonderful time at Alvaston Infant and Nursery School.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Darby. The Deputy SENCO is Miss Holness. The Head Teacher, Mrs Peach is also on hand to support.
How can I get in touch with SEND team?
Please call 01332 571704 to speak to one of use or visit the school office and we will arrange a meeting as soon as possible. If you are on Class Dojo, you can send a private message Mrs Darby or Miss Allen. You can also email us on: head@alvastoni.derby.sch.uk or tdarby@alvastoni.derby.sch.uk.
If your child has Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) the school follows the Code of Practice to ensure that inclusion is achieved and progress is made.