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How will you support my child through transition?

We aim to make times of transition as easy as possible for the children in our school.

When starting at our school we:

  • Meet with the child and their parents to talk about their needs and answer any questions about our school

  • Meet with or contact staff at the child’s previous school or setting

  • Provide the child with a transition book that has photographs of the key staff and areas around school if necessary

  • Read reports from people who have worked with the child

  • Arrange visits to our school so the child gets to see it before they start .

  • Give any adults working with the child a one-page profile describing the things that help to support them in school.

When moving to a new year group we:

  • Have a Transition day

  • Provide the child with an updated transition book that has photographs of the key staff and areas around school to look at during the school holidays if necessary

  • Talk to the child and their family so we can answer any questions they may have about the new year group

  • Give any adults working with the child a one page profile describing the things that help to support them in school

When moving to a new school we:

  • Hold a review and invite key staff from the new school

  • Talk to key staff at the new school about things that help the child to learn well and be happy at school

  • Arrange extra visits to the new school with a member of staff from our school if that is what the child wants and look at the timetable etc.

  • Talk to the child and their family so we can answer any questions they may have about the new school