Our teaching staff are working hard to ensure that we can provide a closely-matched learning entitlement for the children at both home and school, and therefore, the Home Learning material will reflect what is taking place in the classrooms for those children who have been able to remain in school. We are fully aware that we cannot compensate for face-to- face classroom teaching, however, our staff will all be on-hand to assist you as much as possible and will be checking in with every family, weekly, to ensure that you feel fully supported.
We would welcome any comments and feedback to help us provide a programme which supports our children in the best way possible. As we have said before, the children’s health and well-being is of paramount importance and so is your own! Please spend an appropriate amount of time on activities to suit your child and family’s circumstances. We are aware that parents will also have to work at home and therefore will be ‘balancing’ home and work commitments. We do not intend to put any unnecessary pressure on yourselves or your children so please do your best to support your child.
This term, children will be building on previous learning of numbers to 20. Children will count forwards and backwards within 50 and use a number track to support their understanding of this. They will compare two sets of objects using the language ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ alongside the correct symbols (e.g. <, >, =).
Children build on previous learning of counting in twos and go beyond 20 up to 50. They learn about grouping in 10s and the idea of 1 ten being equal to 10 ones is reinforced. Children will be able to state how a number is made up. For example, 29 is made up of 2 tens and 9 ones.
We will then be moving on to recognising and naming common 2-D shapes, including: (for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles) and 3-D shapes, including: (for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres.).
This term we are looking at the following sounds (phonemes) and corresponding written letter combinations (graphemes). Can your child read and write words containing these phonemes/graphemes?
Words containing:
Ew (flew), ey (valley) and the split digraphs a_e (make), e_e (Pete), i_e (kite), o_e (home), u_e (flute).
To extend your child, encourage them to think of words containing these letter patterns. Give your child less common words containing these patterns (i.e. lair, rung).
Find a wide selection of books linked to your child’s reading level:
Above all, enjoy reading books, comics etc. with your child at home!
This term, we will be looking at the story, Dr. Xargle's Book of Earthlets by Jeanne Willis. We will be using this book to explore writing simple non-fiction reports about ourselves and animals.
In our writing this term, we will be focussing upon:
• Composing sentences and re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense.
• Continuing to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.
• Reading non-fiction texts and discussing the meaning of key vocabulary.
In our Science work, we are looking at our senses and how they tell us more about the world around us. Please use the Purple Mash website for Year 1 ‘2Dos’, where you will find activities linked this topic and closely matched to the work covered in class this term. You can also find more activities on the senses on the BBC Bitesize website:
In our Topic work, the chidlren will keep their own weather chart using weather symbols. They will look at the weather in Derby and compare it with the weather in other areas of the United Kingdom. They can have a go at creating their own weather chart, logging the weather in Derby for an entire week and have a go at forecasting the weather by recording a video and uploading it onto their ‘Portfolio’ on ClassDojo.
Art and Design
Look at a piece of 3D shadow sculpture artwork by Tim Noble and Sue Webster. Ask: What can you see? What do you think it is made of?
Design their own 3D sculpture today based upon their design using a quality text ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ and/or ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’. Explore using a range of recyclable materials, joining equipment (glue, tape, string etc..), and additional materials for texture. Can they evaluate their own work - What have they done well? What could they do to improve it?
Activity One
PHONICS: Miss Hames will load a phonics video onto the Year 1 Home Learning Dojo Page daily, with suggestions for follow-up activities. On Fridays children will recap the sounds from the previous week in a spelling quiz!
Activity Two
WORD OF THE DAY: Year 1 teachers will upload a daily word onto the Year 1 Home Learning Dojo Page. There may be a short task to go alongside this new word.
Activity Three
ENGLISH or MATHS: Year 1 teachers will load tasks and supporting videos and explanations onto the Year 1 Home Learning Dojo Page, with suggestions for follow-up activities.
Activity Four
ADDITIONAL CURRICULUM: The Year 1 teachers will load tasks and supporting videos and explanations onto the Year 1 Home Learning Dojo Page, with suggestions for follow-up activities. These will link to the subjects science, geography, PSHE and art. Activity 5 Story Time To end the day, one of the Year 1 teachers will load a story onto the Dojo for your child to listen to and enjoy!
Purple Mash Tutorial with Miss Piercy