Please take a look below at a summary of our learning for this half term. You can find a full plan in the Spring Term One Letter above and the Home Learning Homepage will provide resources to support your home learning on a weekly basis.
In maths, we will be continuing to develop efficient strategies to solve addition and subtraction calculations.
We will also be: Learning our numbers to and within 10 and using this to solve number bonds to 20 and partitioning 2-digit numbers into 10s and 1s and partitioning them into different combinations E.g. 46=40+6, 46= 30+16, 46=20+26.
This term, we will be reading and examining a range of non-fiction texts all about the Arctic. We will be using our new knowledge from research to write our own non-chronological report about Polar Bears at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
We will be reading:
The Rainbow Bear by Michael Morpurgo
Ice Bear by Nicola Davies and Arctic Life by Sean Callery.
This half-term, we will be focussing upon the following sounds (phonemes) and letter combinations (graphemes) in words to help children with their spelling and reading. Here is a list of words the children will be practising to learn to read and write in school.
Identifying vowels and constants in words and learning what long vowel and short vowel sounds are.
The /n/ sound spelt kn and (less often) gn at the beginning of words:
Knock, know, knee, knit, knight, gnat, gnaw
The /r/ sound spelt wr at the beginning of words:
write, written, wrote, wrong and wrap
Words ending in le, el, il and altable, apple, bottle, little, middle (The –le spelling is the most common spelling for this sound at the end of words)
camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel (The –el spelling is much less common than –le and is used after m, n, r, s, v, w and more often than not s)
metal, pedal, capital, hospital, animal (Not many nouns end in –al but many adjectives do)
pencil, fossil, nostril (Not many words end in il)
Learning how to make a singular word into a plural by adding an -s, -es or -ies
To extend your child, encourage them to think of words containing these letter patterns. Give your child more complex words containing these patterns to read and spell.
Learning Journey
This term we will be embarking on a frosty journey to the North Pole! We will be locating the Arctic and the countries within it as well as identifying the seven continents of the world and the five oceans. Our research will lead us to find out more about the climate, culture and the inhabitants of the Arctic. We will be exploring the different animals that lie there and how they are suited for this habitat. Have a look at our knowledge organiser for more information.
This term we will be learning what it means to be alive, dead or to have never been alive. We will learn about the basic needs for humans and animals in order to survive. We will look at different habitats and how animals are adapted to survive within them. This will lead us onto looking at the food chains of a range of animals, including those that live in the Arctic.
Art and Design
In Design and Technology this half-term, we will be concentrating on the work of famous artist, Salgado. We will be working on our shading, using different media such as charcoal and pencils to create light and dark areas within our work. We will consider the role of textures within his landscapes to create depth and perspective.
Please Dojo Mr Heesom or contact him by email if you need support: